Anxiolysis is a form of oral sedation using a light sedative, such as valium. It is not as strong as oral conscious sedation, so it is recommended for those with mild to moderate anxiety. You will remain conscious for the procedure, but any tension and anxiety will fade away. You will be able to talk and breathe on your own during the procedure as well. What can be a nerve-racking experience for some is transformed into a relaxing experience.
After the procedure, you will even be able to drive yourself home since anxiolysis uses a light sedative. If you have been fretting having dental work done, call us to learn about our anxiety-free options for dentistry.
If the idea of going to the dentist for a procedure brings on feelings of fear or anxiety there are options to ease the anxiety. Oral conscious sedation is as easy as taking an aspirin and you will feel relaxed and at ease. Oral conscious sedation does not “Knock you out” like some other forms of anesthesia. You will remain awake during your procedure, but you will be in a heightened state of relaxation. It is also possible that you will not remember your procedure.
Oral conscious sedation is extremely safe and easy. It is much less expensive than other forms of sedation, and you will be able to talk and breathe on your own during the procedure. It also makes long or complex procedures seem shorter, allowing you to have all of your work done in a single visit. A local anesthetic will be given to the area that is being worked on to ensure that there is no pain. You will need to have someone drive you to and from the office if you use oral conscious sedation for your safety.
Don’t wait any longer to have necessary dental work performed because you are nervous. Ask Dr. Furniss about oral conscious sedation to see if it is right for you.
Who is a candidate for sedation?
If you have anxiety or fear about going to the dentist you are a candidate for sedation dentistry. If you have a fear of pain, have had a traumatic dental experience in the past, or the sounds and smells of a dental office make you nauseous, sedation dentistry can help you get over your anxiety. Some people have physical reasons, like a bad gag reflex or very sensitive teeth, which make them a candidate for sedation dentistry as well. If you are not sure if you are a candidate, come in for a free consult and ask Dr. Furniss.
Will I be unconscious?
No, but you will be in a deep state of relaxation during your treatment. You will still be able to breathe on your own and communicate, but you will not feel any pain or anxiety. You may not even remember the procedure afterward.
How long will I be sedated?
Sedation can last from about 2-6 hours depending on the strength of sedative you are given and how long your procedure takes.
Will I be monitored?
Yes, at all times during your sedation someone will be with you. We also continuously monitor your vitals to make sure they remain at a normal level. Your safety is of the utmost importance to us.
Are there any long-term effects of sedation?
No. You will feel a little groggy and “out of it” after some forms of sedation but after a few hours you will feel like yourself again. You will need to have someone drive you home from your appointment when sedated.
What procedures can be performed under sedation?
Just about any procedure can be performed with sedation. The sedation is not for the procedure itself, but for the anxiety that accompanies the procedure. Dr. Furniss can tell you if sedation is a good fit for you.
How many appointments will I need to complete my dental work?
In most cases, it only takes two appointments. The first appointment is typically an exam and consultation to check your health history and make sure you are a candidate for sedation. The next appointment will be to perform the necessary procedures. Some cases may take more than one sedation appointment to complete all necessary work.
Will my insurance cover sedation?
In most cases, sedation will not be covered by your insurance provider. We will review your insurance coverage and let you know if it is covered or not. If it is not covered, we will let you know the cost and, if necessary, we can put together a financing plan for you.